Monday, March 1, 2010

Discover offers site to help with credit card questions

Recently, a company that makes credit card offers announced it has launched an effort to help educate consumers when it comes to accounts.

Discover Financial Services has put together a series of online articles and videos through a program known as Straight Talk. The series explains a number of issues facing consumers, including how companies decide on rates and limits. It also covers fees and new rules put forward by the Credit Card Accountability, Responsibility and Disclosure Act.

Carlos Minetti, executive vice president of Cardmember Services and Consumer Banking at the company, said that Discover started developing the program after feedback from its customers.

"These online resources will help them better understand credit, while empowering them to achieve brighter financial futures," Minetti said.

Recently, the Federal Reserve Board announced that it has also launched a site that is dedicated to credit card accounts. Along with tips for handling credit card accounts, the site from the Fed gives consumers an overview of the Credit CARD Act.

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