Monday, February 1, 2010

Credit Card Debt Hits All Time High, Need Help Getting Out Of Debt?

We are now well into 2010, it’s February already! Have you started this year the same as every other or are you well on your way to making all the changes you promised that you would make? Don’t wait or put it off any longer, consolidate your debts now into one affordable monthly fee improving your cash flow problems now.
During a recession it is hard for many people in the economy, myself included. Nobody is perfect and it is very hard for all of us to maintain a family, a household, run a car etc, whilst finding the time and money to enjoy some of the finer things in life as well.
Some key problems with bad debt start with Credit Card debt spiralling out of control before you have any idea that it could be a major problem. With overdraft limits being pushed, accruing bank charges and somewhat extortionate late payment fees on credit cards you find yourself asking why and how.
So if you find yourself feeling all doom and gloom here is a few tips on how we can help you regain control over your finances.
Consolidate all you debts into one affordable monthly payment thus improving your short term cash-flow.
Next and perhaps the most important, do not sign up for credit cards and stores cards as in the long term it can equate to paying double for the products you are buying. There is nothing clever in paying £60 for a garment that was originally only £30 to start with and overpriced at that. Plus, don’t forget the late charges and good old admin fees.
Learn to manage your money well, a fool and his money are soon parted. Work out your weekly budget for essentials and luxury items and stick to the budget.
If you wish to speak to one of our team then give us a call and we will be more than happy to hear from you and hopefully we will be able to help you in some way.

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